The Messiah: Jewish Perspectives Through the Lens of Scripture, Talmud, History, and Ongoing Controversies(Jewish Wisdom Series)

There is almost no topic about which there is only one Jewish view. Does Judaism make belief in a messiah a cornerstone of its ideology? Then why is it not mentioned specifically in the Torah?

There are several places that hint at the idea, but all are subject to interpretation. If it is an article of faith, why is it not spelled out? Is the Messianic Age the same as the Messiah? Who is Mashiach ben Yosef? Will this era be forever, or only a temporary? Will he be a "super rebbe," a spiritual leader, or will he be a fierce warrior? I hope to clarify all of the above questions as fairly and objectively as I possibly can.

51 pages

Rabbi Yaakov HaLevi S”T, is in fact a pen name. The author has decided to release his book under an assumed name since the information in this book is controversial, and loaded with hot-button topics. As described in the book, most rabbis would not only shy away from these issues but would also shun anyone who raises them. Rabbi Yaakov HaLevi is a brilliant Torah scholar with a wide array of knowledge in many areas including Torah, Talmud, halacha, world history, and Jewish History. The Rabbi has studied and corresponded with some of the greatest Torah minds of both this generation and the previous one. His source-based approach, wide knowledge base, and unique life experience lend a perspective like none-other in this day and age.